TheOnlineSchool.UK explores the advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

At TheOnlineSchool.UK, we understand that deciding to homeschool your child can be a challenging decision. Withdrawing your child from school or opting for homeschooling from the start may seem straightforward, but it’s essential to carefully consider all the pros and cons before making a final choice.

To help you make an informed decision, we are here to provide you with a list of the fantastic, compelling reasons for choosing home education, as shared by our teacher, Ms. Amy. These reasons will be presented without any particular order or delay, so let’s dive right in and explore the amazing benefits of homeschooling.

P.S. If you’re looking for resources to support your child’s homeschooling journey, don’t forget to check out TheOnlineSchool.UK’s English, Maths, and Science lessons. Our comprehensive curriculum covers KS2 up to GCSE levels. Now, without further ado, let’s delve into the reasons!


Control over lesson content

While the National Curriculum serves as a valuable guide for your child’s education and ensures alignment with their school-based peers, the exciting aspect of homeschooling is that you have the freedom to deviate from it completely. You can choose to use the National Curriculum as a baseline or a reference point, but ultimately, you have the autonomy to explore additional avenues and create a unique educational experience.

Unlike UK state schools, which are bound by the National Curriculum, homeschooling allows you to delve deeper into your child’s specific interests. For instance, if your child has a passion for medieval knights and castles, you can fully immerse them in this topic. You can inspire their writing skills, encourage research, and even incorporate math and science through castle-related activities. Building castles and weaponry could involve exploring different materials, while planning a castle siege could incorporate concepts of angles and trajectories. Your child could write a comprehensive guidebook about their favorite castle or create an imaginative story set within its ancient walls.

Moreover, homeschooling grants you the freedom to decide what you do not want to teach your child. Some parents opt for homeschooling, either permanently or temporarily, due to objections to certain topics taught in UK state secondary schools, such as compulsory sex education. With homeschooling, you have the ability to tailor your child’s education based on your values and preferences.

By embracing homeschooling, you open up a world of possibilities to create a personalized and engaging educational journey for your child.

TheOnlineSchool.UK choose to take a politically neutral approach when it comes to delving into politically inflamed topics such as wars, gender, religion, race etc. This allows us as a school to maintain a sense of calm, inclusion without judgement and allow students to focus on doing well in their exams.

Some parents choose online education while waiting for a spot at their preferred school. They would rather opt out of the system altogether than accept a place that doesn’t align with their educational values. Others prefer a low-tech or no-tech approach, distancing themselves from the digital revolution. Concerns about bullying and the belief that large class sizes in public schools limit individualized education are also common reasons for choosing online schooling. Additionally, families with children whose unique needs are not adequately supported in mainstream schools, including those who are too anxious to attend, find solace in homeschooling. Lastly, gifted children who find the traditional school setting overwhelmingly stressful or require more time for specific pursuits, such as music practice, often find online school to be a better fit.

For parents who have children with Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCPs), homeschooling is still a viable option, although the rules may differ if the child currently attends a special school. We recommend referring to resources like and for more information on this specialized area.

At The Online School, we recognize the diverse reasons behind choosing homeschooling and aim to provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment that meets the unique needs of each student.

Reducing the risk of bullying and peer pressure

One of the common reasons parents in the UK choose homeschooling is because their child is facing difficulties with the social aspect of the school environment. These challenges can range from being subjected to bullying, struggling to form friendships within their current peer group, or simply feeling like they don’t fit into the school environment for various reasons.

When a child is facing such issues, it often leads to unhappiness, a loss of confidence, and difficulty focusing on learning due to negative thoughts and emotions. Homeschooling provides an alternative where these challenges are minimised. While occasional sibling conflicts may arise when homeschooling multiple children, they are typically healthy and do not have a detrimental impact on a child’s overall well-being.

Home education communities and groups are known for being welcoming, positive, and non-judgmental. The individuals within these communities understand what it feels like to be considered different based on their educational choices. In this context, homeschooling offers an opportunity to reduce the risk of unpleasant social experiences and provide children with the best possible environment to thrive.

By choosing homeschooling, parents can prioritise their child’s social well-being while ensuring they receive a quality education in a supportive and accepting community.

TheOnlineSchool.UK has a 0 tolerance towards bullying policy. So we can make sure that your child never has to worry about bullying ever whilst still being able to learn in a group setting.

One-to-one teaching

When it comes to classes, the size truly matters, and homeschooling offers the advantage of smaller class sizes. It’s undeniable that tutoring one-on-one provides significant benefits. With only one child to teach, or even a few more, it’s evident that each child receives much more direct attention compared to a class of thirty or more peers. As a homeschooler, your child will have the freedom to progress through lessons at their own pace, whether that means moving faster or slower. They won’t feel overwhelmed if the school teacher is moving too quickly or bored if the lessons are paced too slowly for them.

The one-on-one or small group setting allows you to provide precise and genuine feedback to your child, offering clear guidance on how they can improve their work. It also enables you to tailor the lesson content precisely to their individual needs, interests, and abilities. Consequently, your child may require less time spent in the classroom compared to a traditional school environment. In essence, you prioritise quality time over quantity time.

By homeschooling, you optimise the learning experience by ensuring your child receives focused attention, personalised instruction, and the flexibility to progress according to their unique learning style and abilities.

Tight-knit community

It’s important to reiterate that despite the misconception that homeschooled children lack social development opportunities, there is a thriving community waiting to welcome you when you choose homeschooling. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the number of groups and clubs available for home educators in your local area. These communities provide an excellent opportunity for parents to make new friends, share resources, exchange plans and expertise, participate in group teaching and activities, and organise trips and outings together.

Moreover, these communities offer a wonderful chance for your child to form lifelong friendships, learn from and engage in educational activities with their peers, and develop essential social skills that some believe are elusive for homeschoolers. It’s not uncommon for homeschooling parents to meet up with other families on a daily basis, creating a vibrant and supportive network.

If venturing out every day doesn’t align with your preferences, the internet is a treasure trove of communities, groups, and blogs dedicated to sharing ideas and providing solidarity among homeschooling parents in the UK and around the world. Online platforms offer opportunities to connect, seek advice, and find support from like-minded individuals who share the homeschooling journey.

By joining the homeschooling community, you and your child will have access to a wealth of social opportunities, both offline and online, fostering meaningful connections, collaboration, and a sense of belonging within a supportive network of fellow homeschooling families.

More time with your child

Do you remember the day you first watched your little one walk through the classroom door? What thoughts and emotions did you experience? For some parents, it might have been a moment of exuberance and freedom, as they enthusiastically waved goodbye and raced back to the car, leaving a trail of dust in their wake. However, for many others, it was a heart-wrenching experience. The start of school symbolises a new level of independence, as your child spends more hours away from you than by your side. Your knowledge of their day becomes limited to brief, monosyllabic answers during the car ride home.

With homeschooling, that feeling of loss is instantly erased. Not only do you get to enjoy the best of your child throughout the day, every day (except for occasional breaks, because even Super Mum and Super Dad need some “me” time!), but you also have the joy of knowing every detail of their activities and conversations. Instead of being the watchful eyes of an imposing authority, homeschooling allows many parents to step back and witness their child’s independence blossoming naturally, at their own pace and in their own gentle manner.

Homeschooling provides an opportunity to stay intimately connected with your child’s daily experiences, fostering a deep bond and understanding. You can celebrate their achievements, guide their growth, and appreciate their unique journey of independence. By embracing homeschooling, parents can savor the joy of witnessing their child’s development firsthand while nurturing their individuality and sweet nature.


Raise your hand if you love Monday mornings! We’re willing to bet that many homeschooling parents have their hands up, while those dealing with the chaos of getting their sleepy kids ready for school are less enthusiastic. Who needs that jarring alarm going off at 6 am every day, disrupting everyone’s sleep?

One of the many joys of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers. If you or your child aren’t naturally inclined to be morning people, you can say goodbye to those painful early starts. You have the freedom to begin your lessons at 10 am, 11 am, or even after lunch. You can embrace a schedule that suits your family’s natural rhythms and preferences.

Homeschooling also allows you to take full advantage of quieter weekdays. You can explore museums, visit historical sites, and enjoy various destinations without the crowds. No more dealing with exorbitant travel costs during school holidays! You have the freedom to plan your holidays whenever and however you like, without feeling like you’re being taken advantage of in the name of preserving your child’s education. It’s a win-win situation!

Learning as you go

Here’s an interesting aspect that can be seen as both a pro and a con. If you’re a happy home educator or considering homeschooling, chances are you love to learn. One of the advantages of taking on the responsibility of your child’s education is that you get to experience the thrill of learning alongside them.

Unless you’ve taught across all grade levels for years, it’s unlikely that you’re a walking encyclopaedia of knowledge (no offence intended, we’re all in the same boat!). So when you dive into topics like algebra, the states of matter, or the nuances of punctuation, you may find yourself needing to brush up on your knowledge either before the lesson or as you go.

The feeling of your brain firing up, forging new neural pathways, and acquiring knowledge is exhilarating. It’s something that we sometimes lose as we grow older and become set in our ways. By embracing the role of a home educator, you have the opportunity to expand your own knowledge and reignite your love for learning, which you can then share with your child. It’s a journey of mutual growth and discovery!

Play to your child’s strengths

As a home educator, you have the freedom to recognize and celebrate the uniqueness and strengths of your child. You can provide an educational environment that caters to their individual needs and learning style. If your child thrives when learning outdoors, you can incorporate nature into their education. If your teenage student prefers the quiet atmosphere of a library, they can study there.

In essence, you have the autonomy to nurture your child’s talents and interests without forcing them into a standardised mould. You can create an environment where they can flourish and reach their full potential, free from the constraints of a traditional classroom setting.

If you have any other pros or cons to share or if you’re a seasoned home educator, we invite you to reach out to us via our Facebook page. We would love to hear your insights and experiences!


At TheOnlineSchool.UK, we strive to provide you with honest and comprehensive information to help you make informed decisions. We understand that what may be seen as a disadvantage or challenge for one person could be viewed as a benefit or opportunity by another.

We recognize that homeschooling is a personal choice, and what works well for one family may not work for another. Our aim is to present you with a balanced view of the pros and cons, allowing you to consider both the positive and negative aspects of homeschooling. Ultimately, it’s important to evaluate these factors in light of your own circumstances, values, and educational goals.

If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you in your educational journey.


Homeschooling indeed requires a significant time commitment from parents or guardians. Unlike traditional schooling, where children spend a set number of hours in the classroom, homeschooling involves taking responsibility for your child’s education throughout the day.

As a homeschooling parent, you will need to dedicate time to plan lessons, gather resources, and create a suitable learning environment. Depending on your approach, you may also need to assess your child’s progress, provide feedback, and address any challenges they encounter.

It’s important to recognize that homeschooling can be a demanding endeavour, and it may require adjustments to your daily routine and personal commitments. However, many parents find fulfilment and satisfaction in actively engaging with their child’s education and witnessing their progress firsthand.

If you’re considering homeschooling, it’s crucial to assess your availability, time management skills, and willingness to invest the necessary effort to ensure your child receives a quality education at home.


Indeed, finances can be a significant consideration when it comes to homeschooling. Here are a couple of ways in which money can impact homeschooling families:

  1. Lost income: Homeschooling often requires a significant time commitment from parents, making it challenging to work outside the home, especially if you plan to homeschool full-time. This can result in a loss of income, and families need to assess whether they can afford to forgo a full or part-time job. It’s important to carefully consider your financial situation and whether you have alternative sources of income or financial support.
  2. Resource expenses: As a homeschooling parent, you will be responsible for providing all the necessary learning resources, materials, and curriculum for your child’s education. These expenses can include textbooks, workbooks, online courses, educational subscriptions, science equipment, art supplies, and more. Additionally, when your child reaches exam age, you may need to cover the costs of examination entry fees. It’s essential to budget for these expenses and research affordable options to ensure you can provide a quality education for your child.

It’s worth noting that while there is currently no direct financial support available for home educating parents, government proposals may introduce some form of monetary support in the future. It’s advisable to stay updated with any changes in government policies and initiatives that could affect homeschooling expenses.

Before committing to homeschooling, carefully assess your financial situation, consider potential income loss, and budget for the resources and expenses associated with home education. Exploring cost-effective options, utilising free educational resources, and seeking community support can help mitigate financial challenges.

Disciplinarian: teacher vs. parent

You’re absolutely right that transitioning to homeschooling can require an adjustment period, both for the child and the parent-teacher. Here are a few considerations to help set positive boundaries and establish a productive learning environment at home:

  1. Establish a routine: Creating a daily schedule can help provide structure and consistency for your child. Set specific times for academic work, breaks, and other activities. Having a routine can help your child adjust to the expectations of homeschooling and create a sense of stability.
  2. Set clear expectations: Communicate your expectations to your child regarding behavior, focus, and completing assignments. Discuss the importance of dedicating time and effort to their studies, just as they would in a traditional school setting. Reinforce positive behaviours and provide constructive feedback when necessary.
  3. Designate a learning space: Create a dedicated area in your home for learning. This can help signal to your child that it’s time for focused work. Make sure the space is comfortable, well-equipped with necessary materials, and free from distractions.
  4. Encourage self-discipline: Help your child develop self-discipline by teaching them time management and organisational skills. Teach them how to prioritise tasks, set goals, and manage their own learning. Encourage them to take ownership of their education while providing guidance and support.
  5. Balance academics and breaks: Recognize the importance of breaks and downtime in maintaining focus and motivation. Incorporate regular breaks into the schedule and encourage physical activity or other recreational activities to keep your child engaged and refreshed.
  6. Foster open communication: Maintain open lines of communication with your child. Encourage them to express their thoughts, concerns, and questions about their homeschooling experience. Regularly check in with them to ensure they feel supported and address any challenges that arise.

Remember that each child is unique, and it may take time to find the strategies that work best for them. Be patient, flexible, and willing to adapt your approach as needed to create a positive and effective learning environment at home.

Judgement from outside

You’re right that choosing to homeschool can sometimes invite judgement or questioning from others who may have different perspectives or beliefs. It’s important to remember that as a parent, you have the right to make decisions about your child’s education that align with your values and goals.

Here are some suggestions for dealing with potential judgement or questions:

  1. Educate yourself: Be well-informed about the benefits and reasons behind your decision to homeschool. Understand the research, legal requirements, and different approaches to homeschooling. This knowledge will help you articulate your reasons and feel more confident in your choice.
  2. Stay true to your values: Remind yourself of the reasons why you chose homeschooling for your child. Focus on the positive aspects and the benefits it brings to your family. Trust your instincts and believe in your ability to provide a quality education.
  3. Connect with like-minded individuals: Seek out supportive communities, both online and offline, where you can connect with other homeschooling parents who share similar values and experiences. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can provide encouragement and reassurance.
  4. Respond calmly and confidently: When faced with questions or criticism, respond calmly and confidently. You can choose to share your reasons for homeschooling if you feel comfortable, but remember that you’re not obligated to justify your decision to anyone. Stay respectful, but assertive in expressing your choices.
  5. Educate others: Some people may have misconceptions or limited understanding about homeschooling. If you’re open to it, take the opportunity to educate others about the benefits and flexibility of homeschooling. Share resources or personal experiences that help shed light on the positive aspects of this educational choice.


Ultimately, it’s important to prioritise the well-being and education of your child. Trust yourself as a parent and focus on providing the best possible learning environment for your child’s growth and development.


You’re absolutely right that homeschooling can bring added responsibilities and potentially lead to increased stress. Balancing the roles of parent and teacher, while also taking care of your own well-being, is crucial for a successful homeschooling experience. Here are some strategies to help manage stress:

  1. Establish a routine: Creating a daily schedule or routine can provide structure and stability for both you and your child. Having a predictable routine can reduce stress and make the day more manageable.
  2. Set realistic expectations: Recognize that homeschooling may not always go perfectly, and that’s okay. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your child. Understand that learning is a process, and it’s normal to encounter challenges along the way.
  3. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is essential. Make time for activities that help you relax and recharge. Engage in hobbies, exercise, practice mindfulness or meditation, and prioritise sleep and healthy eating. Remember that self-care is not selfish but necessary for your well-being.
  4. Seek support: Connect with other homeschooling parents or join support groups or online communities. Sharing experiences, ideas, and challenges with like-minded individuals can provide encouragement, advice, and a sense of belonging. It’s also helpful to have someone you trust as a sounding board when you need to talk through any concerns or difficulties.
  5. Prioritise open communication: Establish open lines of communication with your child. Encourage them to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns about homeschooling. Listen to their feedback and adapt your approach if needed. Creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment can reduce stress for both of you.
  6. Take breaks and ask for help: Recognize when you need a break or when you need assistance. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family members, friends, or even educational resources and tutors. Taking breaks and delegating tasks can help alleviate stress and prevent burnout.

Remember, it’s essential to find a balance between providing a quality education and taking care of your own well-being. By implementing strategies to manage stress and prioritising self-care, you can create a positive and nurturing homeschooling environment for both you and your child.

Being an expert in all things

It can indeed be intense, especially when preparing for important exams like GCSEs. It requires dedicating time and effort to familiarise yourself with the specific content and subject matter.

Teaching younger children also comes with its own set of challenges. Concepts that seem simple to adults can be complex for young learners. Breaking down concepts into manageable parts and finding ways to explain them clearly and effectively can be a learning experience for parents-turned-teachers.

Fortunately, there are various resources and strategies available to support your teaching journey. Here are a few suggestions:


  1. Curriculum and educational materials: Utilise established curricula and educational resources designed for homeschooling. These materials often provide structured lesson plans, explanations, and activities that can guide your teaching and help you cover the necessary content.
  2. Online resources and communities: Take advantage of online educational platforms, websites, and communities specifically tailored for homeschooling parents. These resources can provide access to lesson plans, teaching tips, tutorials, and forums where you can connect with other homeschooling parents for support and advice.
  3. Local homeschooling groups: Seek out local homeschooling groups or co-ops in your area. These groups often organise educational activities, field trips, and workshops where you can network with other homeschooling families. They can provide a supportive community and opportunities to share knowledge and resources.
  4. Tutoring or specialised instruction: Consider seeking help from tutors or specialised instructors for subjects that may be challenging for you to teach. They can provide additional guidance and expertise in specific areas, alleviating some of the pressure on you as the primary educator.
  5. Continuous learning: Embrace a growth mindset and be open to ongoing learning. Engage in professional development opportunities for homeschooling parents, attend workshops, webinars, or even take online courses to enhance your teaching skills and subject knowledge.

Remember, homeschooling doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in every subject. It’s okay to seek support and collaborate with others to ensure your child receives a well-rounded education. By utilising available resources and leaning on your homeschooling community, you can navigate the challenges and continue to provide a rich learning experience for your child.

PPA: Planning, preparation and assessment

Keeping records and staying organised is essential for effective homeschooling. Here are some tips to help you manage your administrative tasks:


  1. Plan and schedule: Create a schedule or timetable outlining the subjects and activities you’ll cover each day or week. This helps provide structure and keeps you on track with your teaching goals. Allocate specific time slots for independent work or tasks that allow you to focus on your planning and marking.
  2. Use lesson planning templates: Utilise lesson planning templates or online planning tools to outline your objectives, activities, and resources for each lesson. This can help streamline your planning process and ensure you cover all necessary topics.
  3. Prioritise and batch tasks: Identify the most important tasks and prioritise them. Consider batching similar tasks together to increase efficiency. For example, set aside dedicated time for grading and marking assignments, rather than doing it sporadically throughout the week.
  4. Utilise technology and online tools: Explore digital tools and resources that can help with record-keeping and organisation. Online platforms, such as homeschooling apps or software, can assist with tracking attendance, creating progress reports, and storing lesson plans.
  5. Take advantage of downtime: As you mentioned, make use of the times when your child is working independently to tackle administrative tasks. This could include reviewing lesson plans, preparing materials, or grading assignments. Maximise these moments to stay organised and avoid overwhelming workloads.
  6. Reflect and adjust: Regularly evaluate your methods and systems for record-keeping and organisation. If you find a particular approach isn’t working for you, be open to adjusting and finding alternative strategies that suit your needs.

Remember, finding a balance between teaching and administrative tasks is important. By implementing effective time management techniques and utilising available resources, you can streamline your workflow and ensure you have time for both teaching and necessary administrative responsibilities.

Increasing government intervention?

Changes and proposed regulations in the world of home education can vary by country, region, and local authority. It’s important for homeschooling families to stay informed about the latest developments in their specific jurisdiction. Some potential challenges and changes that home educators may encounter include:

  1. Increased regulation: The introduction of compulsory registers, increased checks, and intervention by local authorities can be seen as a challenge by some home educators who value the autonomy and flexibility that homeschooling provides. It may require additional administrative work and potential scrutiny from external authorities.
  2. Lack of consistency: The impact and implementation of new guidelines can vary from one local authority to another, leading to inconsistencies in how homeschooling is regulated and monitored. This can create uncertainty and confusion for home educators who may be subject to different requirements depending on their location.
  3. Funding opportunities: While talks of introducing funding opportunities to support homeschooling parents can be seen as a positive development, the availability and accessibility of such funding can vary. It’s important to stay updated on any changes in funding policies and explore potential financial support options for homeschooling expenses.
  4. Legal considerations: Changes in regulations and guidelines may require home educators to navigate new legal requirements or seek legal advice to ensure compliance. Understanding the legal implications and obligations associated with homeschooling is crucial for families considering or already engaged in home education.

It’s important for home educators to engage in discussions, stay informed about the latest developments, and connect with local homeschooling communities or support groups to share experiences and insights.

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